The XXVII Russian national Congress-online "Man and medicine" was held in Moscow on April 6-9, 2020.
The XXVII Russian national Congress-online "Man and medicine" was held in Moscow on April 6 – 9, order to prevent the spread of coronavirus infection (2019-nCoV), as well as to comply with legal restrictions, the event was held in the form of an online conference on previously scheduled dates.
The Congress is organized by the national medical research center for therapy and preventive medicine of the Ministry of health of Russia, the Russian medical Academy of continuing professional education, and the Botkin National society for advanced medical training.
The forum was devoted to the discussion of issues related to improving the availability and quality of medical care, effective activities of medical organizations, development of primary health care, prevention of chronic non-communicable diseases and healthy lifestyle, measures to reduce premature mortality, in accordance with the national projects "Health" and " Demography "(approved by the Presidium of the Council under the President of the Russian Federation for strategic development and national projects, Protocol No. 16 dated 24.12.2018), pursuant to the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation from 07.05.2018 No. 204 "On the national goals and strategic objectives development of the Russian Federation for the period up to 2024", and in accordance with the Strategy for scientific and technological development of the Russian Federation (approved by decree of the President of the Russian Federation from 01.12.2016 No. 642).
In total, the number of online visits to the Congress exceeded 110 thousand, and the event was remotely attended by 34,125 unique viewers – participants and medical specialists from the Russian Federation, Ukraine, Kazakhstan, Moldova, Belarus, Kyrgyzstan, Germany, Armenia, Slovenia, France, USA, great Britain, Georgia, Sweden, Azerbaijan, Romania, Netherlands, Switzerland, Luxembourg, Poland, Norway, Lithuania, Tajikistan, India, Austria, Japan, Singapore, Italy, Latvia, Israel, Australia, Bahrain, Hong Kong, Laos, Lebanon, Canada, Czech Republic, Turkey, Palestine, Spain, Denmark, Myanmar, Egypt, Greece, Ireland, South Korea, Bulgaria, Cyprus, Belgium, Estonia, Vietnam, Mongolia, Finland, Seychelles and new Zealand.
The online Congress was attended by 396 lecturers and 67 symposiums, including 10 events led by 4 chief freelance specialists of the Ministry of health of Russia. Other formats of the Congress were 3 lectures, a master class, 4 meetings of discussion clubs, 4 meetings of specialized commissions. There were 3 online schools for practicing doctors: clinical gastroenterology (head-academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences I. V. Mayev); internal diseases (head – member-correspondent. RAS O. M. Drapkina); clinical pharmacology (head-corresponding member RAS D. A. Sychev).
The program Committee, headed by the honorary President of the Congress, academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences A. G. Chuchalin, continues the traditions of the Russian scientific therapeutic school and its founders M. ya. Mudrov and S. p. Botkin. XXVII Congress-online was held under the motto " treat with your mind, not with drugs!".
According to the established tradition, the Congress annually becomes a scientific and practical platform for the Institute of chief freelance specialists of the Ministry of health of the Russian Federation. The chief specialists presented their scientific schools and clinical recommendations of the branches of medical science entrusted to them. The Congress-online held meetings of specialized commissions on the specialties "Therapy", "General medical practice", "Medical prevention" and "occupational Pathology" of the Expert Council in the field of health of the Ministry of health of Russia.
A distinctive feature of the XXVII Russian national Congress "Man and medicine" was a special regulation-the Summit-a dedicated group of symposiums on a specific nosology or direction of medicine. Each Summit was led by the best domestic specialists – chief freelance specialists of the Ministry of health of the Russian Federation, Directors of the NMIC, well-known experts, opinion leaders and lecturers. At the summits, issues of scientific and practical medicine were discussed at the level of national priorities. During the live broadcast, each Summit had an individual graphic design, navigation and full-color program designed to increase the awareness of each direction.
The most dynamically developing segment of Russian medical science is the higher education sector. The goals of the medical universities Summit were to create an industry discussion platform-online, to develop cooperation between universities and leading medical educational organizations, specialized communities and international partners. The representative online meeting was attended by 3 rectors and 45 heads of higher medical educational organizations in Russia. During 9 symposiums, universities presented priority directions for the development of their institutions. They discussed steps to organize an education system in which fundamental science can fully fulfill its social role in society.
The development of a Biobank network in Russia, in accordance with the task of the Ministry of health of the Russian Federation to create a full-fledged network of biobanks, depositories and collections of biomaterials in the country by 2020, was discussed at the biobanking Summit held on April 9, 2020. The President of the international biobanking society ESBB, Jens K. Habermann, made a presentation on the role of international biobanking principles in personalized medicine. Karine Sargsyan, Director of the largest European Biobank in Graz (Austria), told about the international practice of developing cooperation between biobanks. A panel discussion "Possible ways to combine biobanks in Russia"was held. Practical aspects of the work of biobanks were raised in the report of the Director of Nasbio Alexey Nikolaevich Meshkov "Possible ways to combine biobanks: world experience and its application in Russia", reported by Georg Göbel, head of the Department of medical statistics and bioinformatics of the medical University of Moscow Innsbruck (Austria) on the safe storage of data in biobanks (ISO 27001).
In the reports of the biobanking Summit "the Concept of Biobank development in the Russian Federation through the creation of coordination centers" (Saint Petersburg state medical UNIVERSITY "City hospital No. 40)," national bioservice-experience in creating a network infrastructure of biobanks interacting within research projects", "Implementation of a new ISO standard in the work of Biobank" (Biobank Of the Institute of regenerative medicine of Sechenov University), "Oncological Biobank, opportunities and prospects" (mrnc Tsyba), "Problems of biobanking material for possible subsequent assessment of gene expression" (FGBNU "Scientific center of neurology") and others discussed the tasks of biobanking, problems and ways to solve them.
The practical potential of domestic medicine was widely presented at the XXVII Congress online "Man and medicine" by clinical summits. Under the leadership of the chief freelance specialist pulmonologist of the Ministry of health of Russia, corresponding member S. N. Avdeev, the next summit of pulmonologists-2020 was held. Particular attention was paid to the management of patients with pneumonia, including those with COVID-19 infection. The video lecture is available here. The latest information for pulmonologists on chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, chronic thromboembolic pulmonary hypertension, topical issues of antibiotic resistance, treatment of severe bronchial asthma, initiated an interdisciplinary dialogue on the problem of restrictive and obstructive lung diseases, developed algorithms for the diagnosis and treatment of acute respiratory viral infections in the practice of an internist.
IV Gastro-Summit was dedicated to modern achievements in the field of diagnostics and treatment of digestive diseases. Gastroenterology is traditionally an important and authoritative area of the Congress-online. The Chairman of the IV Gastro-Summit, academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences I. V. Mayev, led the creation of the scientific program of the Summit and initiated a number of measures for the diagnosis and treatment of gastroesophageal reflux disease, Hepatology and Coloproctology. View video lectures. Together with Prof. Zoybar Of Younossi (Zoibair M. Younossi) discussed international experience in the treatment of non-alcoholic fatty liver disease. Professor I. G. Bakulin presented the school of gastroenterologists and therapists of Saint Petersburg in a number of areas. The President of the Scientific society of gastroenterologists of Russia, Prof. L. B. Lazebnik, organized a discussion of issues related to the division of responsibilities of a General practitioner and a gastroenterologist at the primary level.
The XXVII Congress-online " Man and medicine "discussed issues of healthcare organization at the level of the national project"Healthcare". Thus, within the framework of special regulations of the Congress, a Summit on primary health care was held. 9 events were held under the leadership of the main freelance specialists of the Ministry of health of Russia. Special attention is paid to the implementation of the national project on the development of the primary health care system, the fight against bronchopulmonary, cardiovascular and oncological diseases. Speeches, exchanges of views, and discussions on these topics were initiated by the corresponding member. RAS O. M. Drapkina, corresponding member. RAS S. N. Avdeev and academician A. D. Kaprin.